Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Most commonly asked questions can be found on this page, please read through them and if you have a question not listed, please contact


  • How do I join the Bayside Beach Association?
    • Contact the Bayside Beach membership chairperson. Email the Bayside Beach board at the provided email address and the email will be forwarded to the membership chairperson.
    • At present there is a link to a PDF document entitled, “Bayside Beach Association Letter of Intent to Join the Beach” on this FAQ page. You may download this file, fill out the form, and submit it to the membership chairperson. (Eventually, there will be access to a second PDF document entitled, “Bayside Beach Association Membership Application/Registration Form”).
  • How do I transfer my Bayside Beach Association membership upon the sale of my home?
    • For members who are selling their Bayside Beach Association qualifying property, there is a link 2021 to a PDF document entitled, “Bayside Beach Association Letter of Transfer of Membership”.  Download the PDF document, fill it out, and forward the letter as an attachment to the Bayside Beach Board of Directors via their email address. This letter will grant the new owner of a qualifying property the opportunity to join the association without the initiation fee. Annual dues will still need to be paid by the new owner.
  • How do I pay my annual membership dues, turn in my current registration form and procure my gate key(s)?
    • FOR REGULAR MEMBERS: This is a two-step process. First, as a regular member, a person must sign up for 6 work hours for the current year.  This may be done on the Bayside Beach website by accessing the Google document and placing his/her name next to available work jobs.  If accessing the Google document is not convenient for a member, he/she must contact the beach work assessment chairman. Once a member has signed up for work hours, then he/she should be sure to check and update his/her current registration form that is sent with the opening day newsletter in late April. Then, the member should contact the beach association treasurer. He/She should call the treasurer to set up an appointment to meet order in to turn in the current registration form and the annual dues payment (check or money order paid to the order of “Bayside Beach Association). Also, a member will receive his/her beach keys at this meeting.
    • FOR RETIREE MEMBERS: Retiree members do not need to sign up for work hours.  A retiree member should be sure to check and update his/her current registration form that is sent with the opening day newsletter in late April. Then, the member should contact the beach association treasurer. He/She should call the treasurer to set up an appointment to meet in order to turn in the current registration form and the annual dues payment (check or money order paid to the order of “Bayside Beach Association). Also, a member will receive his/her beach keys at this meeting.
  • How do I sign up for my annual required work hours? 
    • This may be done on the Bayside Beach website by accessing the Google document and placing his/her name next to available work jobs.  If accessing the Google document is not convenient for a member, he/she must contact the beach work assessment chairperson.
    • Access the Google Document Here
  • What are the criteria for a change in membership status from regular status to retiree status?
    • A regular member qualifies for a change to retiree membership status, as long as 3 criteria are met:
    • (1) The member must be at least 62 years of age or older. 
    • (2) The member must have a beach membership that has been in good standing for a minimum of 5 years.
    • (3) The member must be retired. Proof of retirement must be provided.


  • How do I volunteer to plan events for which volunteers are needed?2021 
    • Contact the beach association’s work assessment chairperson by email or phone call.
  • What are the rules for Music on the Lake events?
    • (1) All Music on the Lake events are picnic style. Please bring your own food and beverages.
    • (2) Lawn chairs are useful.
    • (3) All locations have a “NO GLASS CONTAINERS” rule.
    • (4) Assist the clean-up crew by taking home your trash and empty containers.
  • When are general membership meetings scheduled?
    • (All beach events in a given year are posted on the Bayside Beach website. Also, all newsletters are posted on the website. Each newsletter includes a schedule of events.)
    • There are 2 general membership meetings scheduled per year. Each meeting’s date, time, and location are announced in the appropriate newsletter. The first meeting each year is usually scheduled for the third Tuesday of January. At this meeting, the membership is provided a budget proposal that is discussed, modified as necessary, and approved/disapproved by a vote.  The second meeting is scheduled for the third Tuesday in July. At this meeting, nominations for association officer positions and 3 board positions plus alternate are accepted.  The election is conducted by mail-in paper ballot in August. The votes are tallied at the September board meeting. 
  • When are board meetings scheduled?
    • Board meetings are scheduled for the second Tuesday of each of the following months: January, May, June, July, August, September, and December.  The summer board meetings are conducted at the beach, starting at 7PM. The rest of the meetings are conducted at an available indoor venue. The April board meeting is scheduled for the first Tuesday of the month.
  • How do I contact the Bayside Beach board?

Mooring and Watercraft Registration

  • How do I sign up to be on the mooring slip waiting list?
    • There is only one time each year that a member owning a home on property qualifying for Bayside Beach Association membership may apply to be placed on the mooring waiting list.  A mooring application is included in the January newsletter.  That mooring application must be filled out and returned to the mooring chairperson by March 17.  (Members who already have a mooring slip must also fill out the mooring application worksheet to provide the mooring chairperson with updated information.)
  • How do I register my non-motorized watercraft with the beach association?
    • Contact the person named on the registration form to arrange to apply for a Bayside Beach Association watercraft registration form. (See the links at the end of the FAQ section. The document is entitled, Bayside Beach Association Watercraft Registration Form – Updated.)

2024 – 2025 Officers, Board Members, & Chair People

OFFICERS: To contact the officers, email

  • President: Allen Oblak
  • Vice President: Jay Knight
  • Secretary: Catherine Schroeder
  • Treasurer: Jo Anne Clark

BOARD MEMBERS: To contact board members, email

  • Mike Burwell (Chairman)
  • Joe Bohez (Alternate)
  • Harley Higgins
  • Emmett Moody
  • Adam Shepp
  • Nick Zajac

CHAIRPEOPLE: To contact the following chairpeople, email the board at

  • Your email will be forwarded to the appropriate person. (One exception is our Facebook chairperson. See the indicated email address next to his/her name.)
  • Beach Equipment: Playground – Jenna Groves, Swim Area – Tom Borkus
  • Docks: Allen Oblak
  • Facebook: Liz Knight
  • Membership: Tamara Spennachio
  • Mooring: Matt Kilarski
  • Party Sign-up: Sherri Solomon
  • Work Assessment: Diane Lawrence

PDF Documents

  • Bayside Beach Association Letter of Intent to Join the BeachLink
  • Bayside Beach Association Letter of Membership TransferLink
  • Bayside Beach Association Watercraft Registration Form – UpdatedLink
  • Change in Membership Status ApplicationLink
  • Rule BookletLink